Rev. Dr. Robert A. Ferrell
Robert is an adjunct associate minister at Unity of Port Townsend where he speaks and offers workshops and retreats. He joined Unity through the online presence and offers his ministry and leadership to the church community in service, presence, and prayer. Robert is a soft spoken gentle guide, honoring the opportunities to be a healing manifestation of divine love. His prayer…may we all encounter life in all its fullness, living in relational wholeness, discovering the miracles of love.
His spiritual path is grounded in the contemplative traditions. Robert is a psychologist, ordained interfaith-interspiritual minister, certified spiritual director, a certified nonviolence trainer, and a graduate of the “Living School” at Richard Rohr’s Center for Action and Contemplation. His fields of interest include spirituality in the workplace, the neuropsychology of spiritual intelligence, and transpersonal psychology. Robert is also the founder of Contemplative Interbeing1 where he offers spiritual development opportunities on a wide range of subjects including contemplative spirituality, integral spirituality, and spiritual practices. He taught for many years at the corporate and university level. Robert has two (adult) children, Gabby and Zak, and is married to Victoria. He is from Chattanooga Tennessee, served in the Air Force for 20 years in Omaha Nebraska, and currently lives in Scottsboro, Alabama.
Rev Robert’s Crowdcast is also available as a podcast

Living in Relational Wholeness
Coalesce – The Path of Conscious Love is presented live on Crowdcast (Click Here) and edited for this podcast.

1. Contemplative Interbeing — Living in Relational Wholeness
Inspiring a shared commitment to create meaningful lives in loving presence with the whole of human civilization. Communicating people’s worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.