Meditations at Unity

While not offered directly by Unity of Port Townsend, these meditations are sponsored by congregants on an ongoing basis.

Meditations on The Buddha’s Teachings Mondays from 6pm to 7pm on ZOOM Soften your heart and strengthen your mind with an emphasis on The Four Noble Truths and The Four Thoughts that Turn The Mind

Ananda Meditation Mondays 4 pm in the Unity sanctuary Call Michael 360-390-8630 for details

Ati Yoga Sangha Thursdays 5:30-7 pm in the Hearth Room at Unity with Jigme Rangdrol (Joe Evans) and also on ZOOM  Click to Join Zoom Meeting ID: 844 9148 4917 Passcode: 866906

Ishaya 1st and 3rd Mondays 7:30-9 pm 536 Foster Street, PT

Kirtan Devotional Chanting happens twice a month at Unity.
Scheduled dates will be announced in the email bulletin and to the kirtan email list,
which you can join by contacting Natavar